Table of Contents
I. Becoming Skilled at Computing
1. Defining Information Technology
2. Exploring the Human-Computer Interface
3. The Basics of Networking
4. A Hypertext Markup Language Primer
5. Locating Information on the World Wide Web
6. An Introduction to Debugging
II. Algorithms and Digitizing Information
7. Representing Information Digitally
8. Representing Multimedia Digitally
9. Principles of Computer Operations
10. Algorithmic Thinking
III. Data and Information
11. Social Implications of IT
12. Privacy and Digital Security
13. The Basics of Spreadsheets
14. Advanced Spreadsheets for Planning
15. Introduction to Database Concepts
16. A Case Study in Database Organization
IV. Problem Solving
17. Fundamental Concepts Expressed in JavaScript
18. A JavaScript Program
19. Programming Functions
20. Iteration Principles
21. A Case Study in Algorithmic Problem Solving
22. Limits to Computation
23. A Fluency Summary
Answers to Selected Questions