PART 1 Selling as a Profession
1. The Life, Times, and Career of the Professional Salesperson
2. Ethics First . . . Then Customer Relationships
PART 2 Preparation for Relationship Selling
3. The Psychology of Selling: Why People Buy
4. Communication for Successful Selling: How to Build Relationships
5. Sales Knowledge: Customers, Products, Technologies
PART 3 The Relationship Selling Process
6. Prospecting – The Lifeblood of Selling
7. The Pre-approach – Planning Your Sales Call and Presentation
8. The Approach – Begin Your Presentation Strategically
9. The Presentation – Elements of Effective Persuasion
10. Objections – Address Your Prospect’s Concerns
11. Closing – The Beginning of a New Relationship
12. Follow-up – Maintain and Strengthen the Relationship
PART 4 Keys to a Successful Selling Career
13. Time, Territory, and Self-Management
14. Retail, Business, Services, and Nonprofit Selling
Appendix A: Sales Arithmetic and Pricing
Appendix B: Personal Selling Experiential Exercises