Table of Contents
Part 1. Preparing for the A2 Exam. How A2 Differs From AS. The A2 Course and Examinations. Knowing How You Will Be Assessed. The Examinations. Understanding Exam Questions. Answering Essay Questions. Strategies You Can Use to Improve Your AO2 Marks. Strategies You Can Use to Improve Your AO3 Marks. Revision. Useful Advice When in the Exam Room. Part 2. Biological Rhythms and Sleep. Biological Rhythms. Sleeps States. Disorders of Sleep. Part 3. Perception. Theories of Perceptual Organisation. Development of Perception. Face Recognition and Visual Agnosias. Part 4. Relationships. The Formation, Maintenance, and Breakdown of Romantic Relationships. Human Reproductive Behaviour. Effects of Early Experience and Culture on Adult Relationships. Part 5. Aggression. Social Psychological Approaches to Explaining Aggression. Biological Explanations of Aggression. Aggression as an Adaptive Response. Part 6. Eating Behaviour. Eating Behaviour. Biological Explanations of Eating Behaviour. Eating Disorders. Part 7. Gender. Psychological Explanations of Gender Development. Biological Influences on Gender. Social Contexts of Gender Role. Part 8. Intelligence and Learning. Theories of Intelligence. Animal Learning and Intelligence. Evolution of Intelligence. Part 9. Cognition and Development. Development of Thinking. Development of Moral Understanding. Development of Social Cognition. Part 10. Psychopathology: Schizophrenia. Clinical Characteristics of Schizophrenia. Issues Surrounding the Classification and Diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia. Psychological Explanations of Schizophrenia. Biological Therapies for Schizophrenia. Psychological Therapies for Schizophrenia. Part 11. Psychopathology: Depression. Clinical Characteristics of Depression. Issues Surrounding the Classification and Diagnosis of Depression. Biological Explanations of Depression. Psychological Explanations of Depression. Biological Therapies for Depression. Psychological Therapies for Depression. Part 12. Psychopathology: Anxiety – Phobic Disorders. Clinical Characteristics of Phobic Disorders. Issues Surrounding the Classification and Diagnosis of Phobic Disorders. Biological Explanations of Phobic Disorders. Therapies for Phobic Disorders. Part 13. Psychopathology: Anxiety – OCD. Clinical Characteristics of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Issues Surrounding the Classification and Diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Biological Explanations of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Psychological Explanations of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Therapies for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Part 14. Psychology in Action: Media Psychology. Media Influences on Social Behaviour. Persuasion, Attitude, and Change. The Psychology of ‘Celebrity’. Part 15. Psychology in Action: The Psychology of Addictive Behaviour. Models of Addictive Behaviour. Factors Affecting Addictive Behaviours. Reducing Addictive Behaviour. Part 16. Psychology in Action: Anomalistic Psychology. Theoretical and Methodological Issues in the Study of Anomalous Experience. Factors Underlying Anomalous Experience. Belief in Exceptional Experience. Part 17. Psychological Research and Design. The Application of Scientific Method in Psychology. Designing Psychological Investigations. Data Analysis and Reporting on Investigations.