Part I: The Big Picture
Chapter 1: Optimizing Health and Well-Being Throughout the Lifespan
Chapter 2: Energy Metabolism
Part II: Role of Energy-Yielding Macronutrients
Chapter 3: Carbohydrate
Chapter 4: Fat
Chapter 5: Protein
Part III: Role of Micronutrients, Water, and Nutritional Supplements
Chapter 6: Vitamins
Chapter 7: Minerals
Chapter 8: Water and Electrolytes
Chapter 9: Nutritional Supplements and Drugs
Part IV: Application of Nutrition for Health and Fitness
Chapter 10: Body Weight and Composition
Chapter 11: Nutrition for Aerobic Endurance
Chapter 12: Nutrition for Resistance Training
Chapter 13: Changing Weight and Body Composition
Chapter 14: Special Nutrition Concerns