- Dedication
- Brief Contents
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- Part I: Introduction, Theoretical Background, and Legislation
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Terminology
- Multiple Group Memberships, Intersectionality, and Permeability of (Some) Boundaries
- Changing Demographics and Changing Views: The Stimulus for Diversity Studies and Work
- Diversity and Organizational Competitiveness
- Individual Benefits of Diversity
- Diversity, Individual Outcomes, and Organizational Effectiveness
- Organization of the Book
- Determining “Diversity” in an International Context
- Chapter 2: Theoretical Background and Foundation
- “What Is a Minority?”
- Categorization and Identity
- Privilege: Normalizing and Preserving Inequality
- Aversive Racism, Ambivalent Sexism, and other New -isms
- Discrimination Systems
- “Diversity” and Non-Dominant Groups in Different Contexts
- Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
- Chapter 3: Legislation
- Historical Background
- Major Federal Acts Related to Diversity in Organizations
- Relevant State, Local, and City Ordinances and Future Federal Acts
- Diversity in the Judiciary and its Effects on Judicial Decisions
- Part II: Examining Specific Groups and Categories
- Chapter 4: Blacks/African Americans
- History of Blacks in the United States
- Relevant Legislation
- Population
- Education, Employment, and Earnings
- Research on the Employment Experiences of African Americans
- Recommendations
- Chapter 5: Latinos/Hispanics
- History of Hispanics in the United States
- Relevant Legislation
- Population
- Education, Employment, and Earnings
- Organizational Experiences of Hispanics
- Latinos as Customers
- Recommendations for Individuals
- Recommendations for Organizations
- Chapter 6: Asians/Asian Americans
- History of Asians in the United States
- Relevant Legislation
- Population
- Education, Employment, and Earnings
- Asian American Entrepreneurs
- Research on Experiences of Asian Americans at Work
- Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
- Chapter 7: Whites/Anglo Americans
- History of Whites in the United States
- Relevant Legislation
- Population
- Education, Earnings, and Employment
- Research on Whites and Diversity
- Diversity and Socio-Economic Status for Whites
- Recommendations for Individuals
- Recommendations for Organizations
- Chapter 8: Native Americans and Multi-Racial Group Members
- History of American Indians in North America
- Population
- Education, Employment, and Earnings
- Relevant Legislation (Native Americans)
- Research on American Indians at Work
- American Indian and Alaska Native Women
- Multi-Racial Group Members
- Population
- Relevant Legislation (Multi-Racial Group Members)
- Amerasians
- Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
- Chapter 9: Sex and Gender
- Relevant Legislation
- Population
- Education
- Participation and Earnings
- Gender Role Socialization
- Sex Discrimination
- Sexual Harassment
- The Glass Ceiling and Other Glass Boundaries
- Sex, Race, and Ethnicity
- Unique Gender Issues
- Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
- Chapter 10: Work and Family
- History of Work and Family
- Relevant Legislation
- Population, Participation, and Education
- Earnings
- Flexible Schedules
- Child-care Assistance and Employer Outcomes
- Same-Sex Couples in Family Relationships
- Men, Work, and Family
- Beyond the Family: Society, Organizations, and Family Issues
- Elder Care
- Parenting Again: Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren
- Recommendations for Individuals
- Recommendations for Organizations
- Chapter 11: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- History of Gay Rights in the United States
- Population
- Education and Socioeconomic Indicators
- Relevant Legislation
- Research on Access and Treatment Discrimination against Sexual Minorities
- Organizational Policies and Benefits
- Addressing Fears of Contracting HIV/AIDS at Work
- Determinants of Attitudes toward Gay Men and Lesbians
- Codes of Silence or Out at Work?
- Recommendations for Individuals
- Recommendations for Organizations
- Chapter 12: Religion
- History of Religious Diversity in the United States
- Population, Diversity, and Variations among Beliefs
- Relevant Legislation
- The Diversity among Arab Americans and Muslimsin the United States
- Religion as an Invisible Identity
- Women’s Roles in Organized Religion
- Religion and Diversity in Sexual Orientation at Work
- Recommendations for Individuals
- Recommendations for Organizations
- Chapter 13: Age
- Historical Background
- Relevant Legislation for Older Workers
- Legal Protections for Younger Workers
- Population, Participation Rates, and Employment
- Education
- Research on Employment Experiences of Older Workers
- Research on Employment Experiences of Younger Workers
- Recommendations for Individuals
- Recommendations for Organizations
- Chapter 14: Physical and Mental Ability
- History
- Relevant Legislation
- Population, Education, and Employment
- Employment Experiences of People with Disabilities
- Customers with Disabilities
- Recommendations for Individuals
- Recommendations for Organizations
- Chapter 15: Weight and Appearance
- Population
- Education, Employment Levels, Types, and Income
- Appearance
- Legislation Relevant to Weight and Appearance
- Effects of Weight on Health and on Costs to Employers
- Is It the Fat, the Health, or the Stigma of Overweight?
- Appearance: Cases and Legislation
- Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
- Part III: Global Diversity, Careers, and Moving Forward
- Chapter 16: Global Diversity, Careers in Diversity, and Moving Forward
- Discrimination and Differential Treatment as Worldwide Phenomena
- Sex and Gender: The Status of Women around the World
- People with Disabilities
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Careers in Diversity
- Facing the Future: Recommendations for DEI Worldwide
- Recommendations for Change at a Societal Level
- Recommendations for Change at an Organizational Level
- Recommendations for Change at an Individual Level
- Appendix: Diversity in Practice Mini-Cases
- Name Index
- Subject Index