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Test Bank For Diversity in Organizations, 4th Edition Myrtle P. Bell


ISBN-10: 0357718933
ISBN-13: 9780357718933
© 2022



  1. Dedication
  2. Brief Contents
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Preface
  5. Part I: Introduction, Theoretical Background, and Legislation
  6. Chapter 1: Introduction
  7. Terminology
  8. Multiple Group Memberships, Intersectionality, and Permeability of (Some) Boundaries
  9. Changing Demographics and Changing Views: The Stimulus for Diversity Studies and Work
  10. Diversity and Organizational Competitiveness
  11. Individual Benefits of Diversity
  12. Diversity, Individual Outcomes, and Organizational Effectiveness
  13. Organization of the Book
  14. Determining “Diversity” in an International Context
  15. Chapter 2: Theoretical Background and Foundation
  16. “What Is a Minority?”
  17. Categorization and Identity
  18. Privilege: Normalizing and Preserving Inequality
  19. Aversive Racism, Ambivalent Sexism, and other New -isms
  20. Discrimination Systems
  21. “Diversity” and Non-Dominant Groups in Different Contexts
  22. Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
  23. Chapter 3: Legislation
  24. Historical Background
  25. Major Federal Acts Related to Diversity in Organizations
  26. Relevant State, Local, and City Ordinances and Future Federal Acts
  27. Diversity in the Judiciary and its Effects on Judicial Decisions
  28. Part II: Examining Specific Groups and Categories
  29. Chapter 4: Blacks/African Americans
  30. History of Blacks in the United States
  31. Relevant Legislation
  32. Population
  33. Education, Employment, and Earnings
  34. Research on the Employment Experiences of African Americans
  35. Recommendations
  36. Chapter 5: Latinos/Hispanics
  37. History of Hispanics in the United States
  38. Relevant Legislation
  39. Population
  40. Education, Employment, and Earnings
  41. Organizational Experiences of Hispanics
  42. Latinos as Customers
  43. Recommendations for Individuals
  44. Recommendations for Organizations
  45. Chapter 6: Asians/Asian Americans
  46. History of Asians in the United States
  47. Relevant Legislation
  48. Population
  49. Education, Employment, and Earnings
  50. Asian American Entrepreneurs
  51. Research on Experiences of Asian Americans at Work
  52. Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
  53. Chapter 7: Whites/Anglo Americans
  54. History of Whites in the United States
  55. Relevant Legislation
  56. Population
  57. Education, Earnings, and Employment
  58. Research on Whites and Diversity
  59. Diversity and Socio-Economic Status for Whites
  60. Recommendations for Individuals
  61. Recommendations for Organizations
  62. Chapter 8: Native Americans and Multi-Racial Group Members
  63. History of American Indians in North America
  64. Population
  65. Education, Employment, and Earnings
  66. Relevant Legislation (Native Americans)
  67. Research on American Indians at Work
  68. American Indian and Alaska Native Women
  69. Multi-Racial Group Members
  70. Population
  71. Relevant Legislation (Multi-Racial Group Members)
  72. Amerasians
  73. Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
  74. Chapter 9: Sex and Gender
  75. Relevant Legislation
  76. Population
  77. Education
  78. Participation and Earnings
  79. Gender Role Socialization
  80. Sex Discrimination
  81. Sexual Harassment
  82. The Glass Ceiling and Other Glass Boundaries
  83. Sex, Race, and Ethnicity
  84. Unique Gender Issues
  85. Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
  86. Chapter 10: Work and Family
  87. History of Work and Family
  88. Relevant Legislation
  89. Population, Participation, and Education
  90. Earnings
  91. Flexible Schedules
  92. Child-care Assistance and Employer Outcomes
  93. Same-Sex Couples in Family Relationships
  94. Men, Work, and Family
  95. Beyond the Family: Society, Organizations, and Family Issues
  96. Elder Care
  97. Parenting Again: Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren
  98. Recommendations for Individuals
  99. Recommendations for Organizations
  100. Chapter 11: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  101. History of Gay Rights in the United States
  102. Population
  103. Education and Socioeconomic Indicators
  104. Relevant Legislation
  105. Research on Access and Treatment Discrimination against Sexual Minorities
  106. Organizational Policies and Benefits
  107. Addressing Fears of Contracting HIV/AIDS at Work
  108. Determinants of Attitudes toward Gay Men and Lesbians
  109. Codes of Silence or Out at Work?
  110. Recommendations for Individuals
  111. Recommendations for Organizations
  112. Chapter 12: Religion
  113. History of Religious Diversity in the United States
  114. Population, Diversity, and Variations among Beliefs
  115. Relevant Legislation
  116. The Diversity among Arab Americans and Muslimsin the United States
  117. Religion as an Invisible Identity
  118. Women’s Roles in Organized Religion
  119. Religion and Diversity in Sexual Orientation at Work
  120. Recommendations for Individuals
  121. Recommendations for Organizations
  122. Chapter 13: Age
  123. Historical Background
  124. Relevant Legislation for Older Workers
  125. Legal Protections for Younger Workers
  126. Population, Participation Rates, and Employment
  127. Education
  128. Research on Employment Experiences of Older Workers
  129. Research on Employment Experiences of Younger Workers
  130. Recommendations for Individuals
  131. Recommendations for Organizations
  132. Chapter 14: Physical and Mental Ability
  133. History
  134. Relevant Legislation
  135. Population, Education, and Employment
  136. Employment Experiences of People with Disabilities
  137. Customers with Disabilities
  138. Recommendations for Individuals
  139. Recommendations for Organizations
  140. Chapter 15: Weight and Appearance
  141. Population
  142. Education, Employment Levels, Types, and Income
  143. Appearance
  144. Legislation Relevant to Weight and Appearance
  145. Effects of Weight on Health and on Costs to Employers
  146. Is It the Fat, the Health, or the Stigma of Overweight?
  147. Appearance: Cases and Legislation
  148. Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations
  149. Part III: Global Diversity, Careers, and Moving Forward
  150. Chapter 16: Global Diversity, Careers in Diversity, and Moving Forward
  151. Discrimination and Differential Treatment as Worldwide Phenomena
  152. Sex and Gender: The Status of Women around the World
  153. People with Disabilities
  154. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  155. Careers in Diversity
  156. Facing the Future: Recommendations for DEI Worldwide
  157. Recommendations for Change at a Societal Level
  158. Recommendations for Change at an Organizational Level
  159. Recommendations for Change at an Individual Level
  160. Appendix: Diversity in Practice Mini-Cases
  161. Name Index
  162. Subject Index

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