[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]Table of Contents SHOW LESS
Part 1: Introduction to Organizations and their Environments
Chapter 1: Organizations and Organization Theory
Chapter 2: The External Environment
Part 2: Organizational Purpose and Structural Design
Chapter 3: Strategy, Organizational Design, and Effectiveness
Chapter 4: Fundamentals of Organizational Structure
Chapter 5: Designing Organizations for Purpose
Part 3: Open-System Design Elements
Chapter 6: Interorganizational Relationships
Chapter 7: Designing Organizations for the International Environment
Chapter 8: Organization Size, Life Cycle, and Decline
Part 4: Internal Design Elements
Chapter 9: Organizational Culture, Control, and Ethics
Chapter 10: Designing for Manufacturing, Service, and Digital Organizations
Part 5: Managing Dynamic Processes
Chapter 11: Innovation and Change
Chapter 12: Conflict, Power, and Politics
Chapter 13: Decision-Making Processes