Preface v
Excercise 1 Anatomical Language 1
Excercise 2 Organ Systems and Body Cavities 13
Cell and Tissues
Excercise 3 Compound Light Microscope 25
Excercise 4 Cell Structure and Cell Cycle 33
Excercise 5 Transport Across the Plasma Membrane 43
Excercise 6 Tissues 53
Integumentary System
Excercise 7 The Integumentary System Structure and Function 85
Skeletal System and Joints
Excercise 8 Bone Structure and Function 97
Excercise 9 Axial Skeleton 107
Excercise 10 Appendicular Skeleton 139
Excercise 11 Joints and Synovial Joint Movements 161
Muscular System: Skeletal Muscles
Excercise 12 Skeletal Muscle Structure 175
Excercise 13 Contraction of Skeletal Muscle 187
Excercise 14 Skeletal Muscles and Their Actions 199
Surface Anatomy
Excercise 15 Surface Anatomy 241
Nervous System
Excercise 16 Nervous Tissue 263
Excercise 17 Spinal Cord Structure and Function 277
Excercise 18 Spinal Nerves 287
Excercise 19 Somatic Reflexes 299
Excercise 20 Brain Structure and Function 309
Excercise 21 Cranial Nerves 333
Excercise 22 Autonomic Nervous System Structure and Function 343
Excercise 23 General Senses 355
Excercise 24 Special Senses 369
Endocrine System
Excercise 25 Endocrine Structure and Function 401
Cardiovascular System
Excercise 26 Blood Components and Blood Tests 421
Excercise 27 Heart Structure and Function 441
Excercise 28 Cardiac Cycle 461
Excercise 29 Blood Vessel Structure and Function 473
Excercise 30 Blood Vessel Identification 489
Lymphatic and Immune Systems
Excercise 31 Lymphoid System and Immunity 517
Respiratory System
Excercise 32 Respiratory System Structure and Function 537
Excercise 33 Pulmonary Ventilation 555
Digestive System
Excercise 34 Digestive System Structure and Function 571
Excercise 35 Mechanical and Chemical Digestion 599
Urinary System
Excercise 36 Urinary System Structure and Function 607
Excercise 37 Urine Formation and Urinalysis 625
Reproductive Systems
Excercise 38 Male Reproductive System Structure and Function 637
Excercise 39 Female Reproductive System Structure and Function 653
Human Development and Heredity
Excercise 40 Human Development 671
Excercise 41 Heredity 685
Answer Key to Activities 699
Appendix A: Word Roots 719
Appendix B: Skeletal Muscle Origins and Insertions 721
Appendix C: Measurements 727
Index 729