Exploring Management, 7th Edition John R. Schermerhorn

Test Bank For Exploring Management, 7th Edition  John R. Schermerhorn


Test Bank For Experiencing MIS, 10th Edition David M. Kroenke

Experiencing MIS, 10th Edition David M. Kroenke

Test Bank For Organizational Behavior, 2nd Edition By Mary Uhl-Bien


ISBN: 978-1-119-50369-9

Copyright : March 2020





Part 1: Why Do I Need to Study Organizational Behavior?


1 Introducing Organizational Behavior 1-1


1.1 Organizational Behavior 1-2


What is Organizational Behavior? 1-2


Why is Organizational Behavior Important? 1-2


How We Learn About Organizational Behavior 1-4


1.2 Thinking Critically about Organizational Behavior 1-6


What is the Science of Organizational Behavior? 1-7


What Does It Mean to Think Critically? 1-8


Why is It so Hard to Think Critically? 1-9


What are Steps in the Critical Thinking Process? 1-10


1.3 Managers, Team Leaders, and Organizational Behavior 1-13


Effective Managers and Team Leaders 1-13


What Do Managers and Team Leaders Do? 1-14


What are the Essential Skills of Managers and Team Leaders? 1-15


Self-Test Chapter 1 1-17


2 OB in Context 2-1


2.1 Why Context Matters in OB 2-2


Why Does Context Matter? 2-2


Strategy: What is Important and Valued in An Organization 2-2


Rewards: Why People Do What They Do 2-3


Structure: How People Work (or Don’t Work) Together 2-4


2.2 Building Effective Organizational Cultures 2-9


What is Organizational Culture? 2-9


How Do We Identify an Organization’s Culture? 2-10


How Do We Build Strong Cultures? 2-14


Self-Test Chapter 2 2-15


Part 2: Why Do People Behave as They Do?


3 Individual Differences 3-1


3.1 Personality 3-2


Nature or Nurture? 3-2


Are Personalities Stable? 3-2


What are Behavioral and Social Traits? 3-4


What are Personal Conception Traits? 3-8


What are Cognitive Traits? 3-10


How Can We Assess Personality? 3-11


3.2 Values 3-15


What are Values and Where Do They Come From? 3-15


How Do Values Differ Across Culture? 3-17


Self-Test Chapter 3 3-20


4 Perception and Emotion 4-1


4.1 Perception and Attribution 4-2


What is Perception? 4-2


What is Attribution? 4-4


Perception and Attribution Errors 4-6


4.2 Emotions and Moods 4-8


What are Emotions and Moods? 4-8


What is Emotional Intelligence? 4-10


4.3 Attitudes 4-12


What is an Attitude? 4-13


What are Job Attitudes? 4-14


How Do Attitudes Influence Work Behavior? 4-17


Self-Test Chapter 4 4-20


5 Motivation 5-1


5.1 Motivation and Performance Management 5-2


What is Motivation? 5-2


Pay for Performance 5-3


What is Performance Management? 5-4


How Do We Create More Motivating Environments? 5-7


5.2 Needs Theories of Motivation 5-9


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 5-10


Alderfer’s ERG Theory 5-11


Manifest Needs Theory 5-12


Emotional Drives or Needs Model 5-13


5.3 Process Theories of Motivation 5-14


Equity Theory 5-14


Goal-Setting Theory 5-18


Self-Test Chapter 5 5-20


Part 3: How Do I Effectively Manage Myself and Influence Others?


6 Work Well in Teams 6-1


6.1 Understanding Team Effectiveness 6-2


What Makes a Team Effective? 6-2


How Can We Set Teams up for Success? 6-3


How Does Member Diversity Affect Team Performance? 6-7


6.2 Understanding Team Dynamics 6-8


What are Roles and Role Dynamics? 6-9


What are Norms? 6-11


What are Other Important Team Dynamics? 6-13

6.3 Building a High-Performance Team 6-15


How Do We Build a High-Performance Team? 6-15


What are the Stages of Team Development? 6-17


What is the Role of Team Cohesiveness? 6-18


How Can We Improve Team Decision Making? 6-20


Self-Test Chapter 6 6-23


7 Be an Effective Leader and Follower 7-1


7.1 Understanding Leadership 7-2


What is Leadership? 7-2


How Does Leadership Work? 7-5


7.2 Leaders in Action 7-9


What Makes Leaders Successful? 7-10


Ways We Act (or Not) as Leaders 7-12


7.3 Understanding Followership 7-16


What is Followership? 7-16


Ways We Act (Or Not) as Followers 7-18


Self-Test Chapter 7 7-22


8 Understand and Manage Power and Politics 8-1


8.1 Understanding Power 8-2


What is Power? 8-2


Where Does Power Come From? 8-4


How is Power Gained and Lost? 8-5


8.2 Build Your Power Bases 8-7


What is Position Power? 8-8


What are Responses to Position Power? 8-9


What is Personal Power? 8-10


Connection Power 8-11


How Can I Build My Power Bases? 8-11


8.3 Navigate the Political Landscape 8-13


Why Do We Have Organizational Politics? 8-13


How Can I Develop My Political Skills? 8-15


Self-Test Chapter 8 8-17


9 Build Strong Relationships and Networks 9-1


9.1 Build Strong Relationships 9-2


What Kinds of Relationships Matter? 9-2


How are Relationships Developed? 9-3


How Do We Build and Maintain Good Relationships? 9-5


9.2 Building Strong Networks 9-7


What are Networks? 9-7


How Do Networks Work? 9-8


9.3 Leveraging Your Network 9-13


Networks and Social Capital 9-14


How Do We Leverage a Network? 9-15


Using Your Network to Advance Your Career 9-17


Self-Test Chapter 9 9-18


10 Develop Communication Skills 10-1


10.1 Communicating for Influence 2


What is Framing? 10-2


How Can We Communicate with Charisma? 10-3


Why are Stories so Persuasive? 10-6


Don’t Forget the Nonverbals 10-7


10.2 Handle Difficult Conversations Using Supportive Communication 10-9


What is a Difficult Conversation? 10-9


What are Supportive Communication Principles? 10-10


10.3 Develop Your Feedback and Listening Skills 10-14


What is Developmental Feedback? 10-14


What are Active Listening Skills? 10-16


Self-Test Chapter 10 10-20


11 Handle Conflict, Negotiation, and Decision Making 11-1


11.1 Manage Conflict 11-2


Why Do We Have Conflict? 11-2


What Conflict Management Strategy Should I Use? 11-3


How Can I Guard against Conflict Management Pitfalls? 11-6


11.2 Learn How to Negotiate 11-8


Why Should I Negotiate? 11-8


How Do I Negotiate? 11-9


How Can I Guard against Common Negotiation Pitfalls? 11-13


11.3 Be a More Effective Decision Maker 11-15


What are Common Approaches to Decision Making? 11-15


How Can I Be a Better Decision Maker? 11-18


How Can I Guard against Common Decision-Making Pitfalls? 11-19


Self-Test Chapter 11 11-22


OB Skills Workbook W-1


Glossary G-1


Self-Test Answers ST-1


Notes N-1


Index I-1





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